Saturday, June 15, 2013

I've been nominated for a Liebster Award! (Part 1)

My German grandmother would be so proud right now, as I have been nominated by the hilarious and witty Lisa of Sux In The City, for a Liebster Award!  

What is a Liebster Award you ask? It roughly refers to something you like, or that which is beloved in German – and the Liebster Award is a fun way to honor up-and-coming blogs who have less than 200 followers in order to get everyone more engaged, connected and it's a great way for you to find out about some new bloggers! Huzzah! Thank you Miss. Lisa! 

Now, I'm supposed to write a bunch of questions and nominate bloggers and tell you random things about myself, but I just spent 20 minutes on the graphic above and another hour answering the questions below-- so I'm just going to post half now and half later! 

  1. If you could go back in time and alter a decision you’ve made, what would it be? I would have spent more time thinking about how to turn my favorite hobbies into a cool career before jumping into "real world" and dyed my hair from blond to red a lot sooner (even got to have a few pink days in between dye jobs!)
  2. What’s your favorite thing about yourself, and why? My ability to throw together a great impromptu party - a handy and necessary skill. That or my winning personality.
  3. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? Sitting at just about any vineyard drinking wine with friends while my dogs troll around looking for willing hands to pet them.
  4. If you had to select one food to live on for the rest of your life, what would it be? Champagne. Obv.
  5. What scares you? Being too vulnerable, but I'm learning.
  6. If you were 90 years old looking back at this time in your life, what would you regret, or wish you’d done differently? Keep in touch with old friends, wear red lipstick, and regret nothing. 
  7. What is your biggest dream? My biggest dream is to happily live a life that is just right for me...and to pass the Sommelier Level 1 exam so I can be a legit wine expert!
  8. If you could swap lives with anyone for 24 hours, who would you choose? Thelonious Monk or Frank Gehry -- just to have a glimpse into how these minds work would be incredible and I'm pretty sure my brain would explode.
  9. Who’s your favorite person on earth? My grandmother- no longer on earth per se, but no less my favorite. She taught me that an all black outfit accessorized with big, colorful jewels, shoes, and purses is chic at any age.
  10. If you had the power to change one thing about the world (circumstances, behaviors of people, etc), what would you change? I would strive for an emphasis on everyday happiness and focus on quality of life issues. More siestas, more laughs, less work, less competition, more brother and sisterhood, more wine.
  11. Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard? Just the boys who aren't lactose intolerant.


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